Controlled Humidity Every Time You Need It
Fante’s installs, maintains, and repairs heating and cooling systems for homes. Additionally, one of our company’s areas of expertise is setting up the accompanying components that will improve the comfort and effectiveness of your heating and cooling. A whole-house humidifier is a superb illustration of such a change. Our staff can add a special humidifier to your current heating system, which will aid in preserving the ideal relative humidity in your house during the winter. You’ll be more comfortable as a result, and it will also reduce your heating expenses and the wear and tear on your heating system. By addressing these key components, Fante’s aims to provide comprehensive solutions that enhance both comfort and cost-effectiveness for homeowners, promoting a healthier and more enjoyable living environment. Request your free, no-obligation quote by contacting us today!
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Reasons to Install a Whole House Humidifier
The advantages of installing a whole house humidifier are numerous. We already spoke about how they increase the cost-effectiveness of your home heating over time. However, they also lead to improved sleep, fewer allergies, diseases, headaches, better skin and hair, and other benefits.
Less Allergy Symptoms
Itchy skin, watery eyes, a runny nose, and a scratchy throat can all be symptoms of dryness. Low humidity levels in the home can exacerbate such problems if you already have them because of allergies.
A Break for Your Respiratory System
The ideal relative humidity level makes breathing simpler. You won’t have dryness in your eyes, nose, throat, mouth, skin, or hair, and headaches, weariness, restlessness, and sleeplessness will be less likely to strike.
Better Sleep
Dry air can induce respiratory irritation, which can result in snoring, coughing, headaches, aches in the muscles, and restlessness. The ideal humidity level will eliminate unpleasant symptoms and improve the quality of sleep for the whole family.
Lower Equipment Maintenance
It feels cozier in your house when the humidity is at the right level. In the long run, less maintenance and reduced expenditures are the result of your heating system not having to work as hard or as frequently.
Central Humidifier Options for Your Home
A central humidifier is a type of whole house humidifier that is integrated into your existing heating and ventilation systems. They are often installed in ducts where they can infuse returned air with moisture.
Bypass Humidifier Installation
Bypass humidifiers introduce moisture to your air through your heating system. They are typically installed in ductwork and provide moisture to the warm air before it enters the living spaces.
Fan-Powered Humidifier Installation
Whereas a bypass humidifier relies on a blower moving air, a fan-powered humidifier has its own fan. That fan pushes air through a water tray, and this approach is more efficient and effective.
Steam Humidifier Installation
Steam humidifiers boil water until it condenses into steam. That steam is then distributed via the ventilation system, and this is the fastest and most efficient approach to optimal relative humidity.
Improve Your Indoor Air Quality
Many homeowners are aware that indoor air pollution is a serious health risk that should not be taken lightly thanks to the increased awareness created by organizations like the EPA. But many locals are unaware that low humidity is a kind of poor indoor air quality in and of itself, and that it can exacerbate the causes and symptoms of other forms of poor indoor air quality. Heating your home without a humidifier frequently results in dry air, which can irritate your eyes, nose, mouth, throat, and lungs as well as create headaches, body pains, chronic fatigue, and other symptoms. We install humidifiers, air purifiers, clean ducts, and do HVAC maintenance in addition to humidifier installation.
Enhanced Air Filtration
Because air filters are critical for preventing dust and other pollutants from entering your HVAC system, it is imperative to frequently inspect your air filters and change them whenever you find dirt. Although it is generally advised to bathe pets every three months, pet owners usually choose a more regular regimen because every home is unique. But HVAC system air filters don’t actually clean your air. If you want a gadget that can do that, we suggest an AirRanger system. We can integrate it with your existing heating and cooling system, and it will capture dust, mold spores, pollen, and much more.
UVC Air Purification
An alternative to air filtration is air purification. Fante’s frequently prefers UVC air purifiers. These use UV light, a typical hospital disinfectant. The Series 3 model and other UVC air purifiers can be included in your existing heating and cooling system. The air purifier will eliminate a variety of contaminants as it circulates the air, including bacteria, viruses, dust mites, and mold spores.
Install a Whole House Humidifier Today
Choosing Fante’s to install a whole house humidifier can substantially benefit your home because it will make you feel cozier and more comfortable while also eventually costing less. Call us at 1-609-445-2939 or contact us online to discuss your whole house humidifier options and get a quote.