February is here and the winter weather is starting to show the cracks in its armor. Warmer days are breaking through every so often which has us thinking ahead to the springtime. While it may be getting close to shutting down your furnace and thinking about your air conditioning system, there are some last-minute things you should check up on before your furnace goes to sleep for the warm weather. Our heater repair in South Jersey specialists provided some things to check out on your furnace before you shut it off for the next six months.
Check On The Filters
Furnaces around the Northeast put in overtime to ensure your house is warm for the long winter. If you were on top of your filter after every month, you should still consider checking on it and replacing it again before the winter season ends. A clogged furnace filter overtime can cause CO emissions to get backed up into the system which can really cause a lack of quality in the air that circulates throughout your home. It is a good point to ensure it is changed so it’s all ready to go for when winter arrives again.
Check On Other Furnace Parts
As furnaces start to age and get further into their lifecycle, certain problems may be developing that are hard to spot without a professional inspection. A common problem is cracking occurring in the chamber of the furnace. Without regular maintenance being conducted during the wintertime and at the beginning of the springtime, these cracks can worsen and potentially cause a carbon monoxide leak. Many new furnaces offer safety features to cut off the valves if you suspect a leak. The cut-off valve allows for the homeowner to have extra time before a fix is needed.
Other furnace parts such as the pilot light, motor, heat exchanges, burner assembly, and vents should be checked as well. It is a lot easier and cheaper to get these parts fixed out of season than right before the cold season starts. The lower demand for furnace repair in the offseason always works in the customer’s favor.
The end of the season is the best time to consider repairing or replacing your heating system. Furnace units become a lot cheaper and a lot easier to get ahold of during the off-season. A certified HVAC technician will be able to tell if a furnace needs a full replacement or a few parts fixed. An inspection will allow you to get a proper estimate and find out where your furnace is in its life cycle.
If you have any questions regarding furnace repair or replacement, reach out to Fante’s PHVAC at 1-609-445-2939!